Foods That Contain Lycopene Other Than Tomatoes

Foods That Contain Lycopene Other Than Tomatoes
Foods That Contain Lycopene Other Than Tomatoes

As a plant pigment lycopene has pronounced antioxidant properties. It slows down the aging of cells by actively counteracting the development of coronary heart disease. It is found in large enough quantities in many red vegetables and fruits.

Thanks to scientific research it has been established positive effect of lycopene on the health of the cardiovascular system, as well as its ability to reduce the risk of prostate, stomach and lung cancer.

Interesting about lycopene

Tomatoes contain a lot of lycopene
Tomatoes contain a lot of lycopene

In the 1990s, Harvard University conducted a study on the effect of lycopene on the incidence of prostate cancer in men. Quite encouraging data were obtained during the experiment. Of the 50,000 men who regularly eat tomatoes, the incidence of cancer has dropped by more than 30%.

Foods rich in lycopene

Watermelon contains lycopene
Watermelon contains lycopene

- ketchup;

- tomato sauce and tomato juice;

- tomatoes - especially orange;

- grapefruit;

- melon;

- watermelon;

- carrots;

- pumpkin;

- paprika;

- apricot;

- guava;

- pumpkin juice;

- carrot juice;

- Japanese tree.

Lycopene is a carotenoid and plant pigment with high antioxidant activity, is used everywhere and reaches its greatest popularity in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. It is also used as an enriched spice in food and as a dye in the food industry. In pharmacies you can buy lycopene in the form of capsules, tablets and powder.

The need of lycopene increases:

- With an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis), is also used for prevention and treatment in the early stages;

Heart problems
Heart problems

- If there is a predisposition to prostate, stomach and lung cancer (eg heredity);

- At inflammatory diseases (lycopene is an immunostimulant);

- During cataracts (improves the retina);

- With frequent fungal diseases and bacterial infections;

- In summer (protects the skin from sunburn);

- In violation of the acid-base balance in the body;

Attention: long-term consumption of tomatoes in combination with starch-containing products can lead to the formation of kidney stones.
