Dietary Regime For High Cholesterol

Dietary Regime For High Cholesterol
Dietary Regime For High Cholesterol

When you are on a low fat diet to lower your cholesterol levels, having healthy foods in your closet and refrigerator is very important.

Dairy products

Although dairy products are an important part of any diet, you need to make sure that you have stored the right dairy products in your refrigerator. Milk, yogurt and cheese are the best sources of calcium and other nutrients, but they can also contain high amounts of saturated fat. Pre-stock low-fat or non-fat varieties of your favorite dairy products, which will minimize the damage they can do to cholesterol levels.

Veal with tomatoes
Veal with tomatoes


Meat is an important source of protein, but it can also be a source of saturated fat. Choose lean meats if you are trying to lower cholesterol, including:

• chicken (especially white meat)

• veal

• Lamb meat

• Pork fillet

• Beef fillet


Fish is a food that should definitely be present in your kitchen. It contains large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are the heart of health and can help lower triglycerides. These fish include:

• salmon

• mackerel

• trout

• tuna

While you can get these foods fresh, they are also available in packs and boxes, making them the perfect breakfast if you're on the go. Make sure you read the labels, as some of these foods can be packaged in salt or oils that are not healthy.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of important vitamins, minerals and fiber - which is also important for lowering cholesterol levels. A balanced diet should include between 2 and 4 servings of fruits and 3 to 5 servings of vegetables - so you should have many of these delicious foods around you.


Grains and whole grains contain large amounts of fiber, which can help lower cholesterol levels. They include:

Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables

• black flour bread

• whole wheat and pasta with it

• oatmeal

• lentils

• whole grain rice

• legumes - black beans, chickpeas, string beans

• flaxseed

• products entirely from cereals

If you have white bread or cereals that are high in sugar, you better throw them away. While we often think that a high-fat diet is a source of high cholesterol, a diet high in simple sugars can also affect cholesterol levels.


There are many items that you can use in your kitchen so that you can give a taste to food. These include elements such as:

• spices - all kinds. Some spices such as turmeric, garlic and chili (capsaicin) - are useful for lowering cholesterol.

• low-fat or non-fat salad dressings

• oils - rapeseed, saffron and olive oil

• mustard

• soy sauce

• vinegar

• low-fat or fat-free mayonnaise
