Dietary Regime Of Dr. Gaydurkov

Dietary Regime Of Dr. Gaydurkov
Dietary Regime Of Dr. Gaydurkov

It is very easy for animals in nature to maintain their normal physique. An obese creature cannot be found in the natural environment.

However, obesity strikes us as people who seem to be trying to move away from nature and immobilize in every possible way, explains the famous nutritionist Dr. Gaydurkov to the media.

The nutritionist offers an exemplary structure of a diet that would help many people lose weight.

1. Reducing program of 14 days.

When embarking on this diet, remember that its purpose is not only to make you lose weight, but also to help your body get rid of unnecessary substances.

Weight loss with Apple
Weight loss with Apple

During this two-week period, raw fruits (without bananas), raw vegetables, raw nuts (without peanuts) are eaten, while salt and fat are completely forbidden.

It is allowed to eat up to 2 kg of fruits and vegetables and up to 200 g of nuts daily. Food products can be consumed at any time. However, fruits should not be mixed with other foods. They should be taken on an empty stomach, about 2 hours before other products.

During this period you can drink spring water and herbal teas, but without sweetening them with honey. Fluids are taken between meals.

Sport plays an important role in weight loss. Try to move as much as possible.

2. Power supply for 7-10 days.

In addition to raw products, start adding to your menu little by little and stewed greens (without potatoes), cereals and legumes: corn (not canned), quinoa, buckwheat, lentils, chickpeas, peas. You should not reach for salt and fat yet. Use spices, including lemon, garlic, hot peppers, and ground raw nuts, to flavor food.

Nuts Mix
Nuts Mix

3. Creating a balanced eating style.

If you do not follow this step of the regimen, the yo-yo effect will follow. Here the animal products are adjusted.

When compiling your daily menu, try about 75 percent of it to consist of fresh plant foods. When consuming animal foods, always combine them with plenty of raw vegetables.

If you use salt, make sure it is in minimal amounts (no more than a pinch). Allow yourself only dietary salt with reduced sodium (potassium salt-66% potassium).

Butter is allowed, but only up to 30 g per day. Try to minimize the use of oil and olive oil. Avoid processed foods and refuse bread, any pasta and chips. Replace them with cereals.

If you need jam, choose dried fruits or make homemade candies from nuts, dates and cocoa. When consuming sweet foods, always eat them alone, without mixing them with others.

Once you go through the diet, you will lose up to 10 pounds. Remember, however, that before embarking on any diet, you should consult a specialist.
