The Easy Trick To Give Up Harmful Foods

The Easy Trick To Give Up Harmful Foods
The Easy Trick To Give Up Harmful Foods

Even for those of us who have the healthiest and strongest intentions not to look at harmful foods, it is incredibly difficult to resist the literally thousands of temptations we see in stores every day - biscuits, chocolates, sausages, burgers and other pasta snacks that they always look more than attractive.

No matter how strong a person's will is, there comes a time when the nose or the thirst of the palate betrays us and we give way to temptation. Sometimes this is inevitable.

However, according to a new study, the best thing a person can do in such a critical situation of unhealthy temptation is to go alone and take care of themselves without waiting to be served.

For example, on the table in front of you put a magnificent chocolate cake with tons of cream, fluffy and insanely candied marshmallows. In that case, don't wait for someone else to cut a piece for you, but grab the knife and let your conscience cut the piece.

The results of the new study are published in the journal Marketing Research. It shows that people eat less junk food when served on their own, instead of someone else giving them a plate.

The authors of the study, Linda Hagen and Brent McFarron, are convinced that once a person has the intrinsic motivation to limit [harmful foods], he has a protective mechanism on a subconscious level. This mechanism is immediately activated when the brain succumbs to temptation and instead of a huge portion of served obesity, a person pours a much smaller amount of food.

Apart from that, serving junk food by hand involves certain actions such as getting up, going to a table, returning, etc. This, on the one hand, can give you time to think and reduce the power of temptation, and on the other - leads to the consumption of (albeit insignificant) calories.

This rule does not apply to healthy food. Then, even if we are served one, our subconscious defense mechanism does not turn on and we eat it calmly, without worrying that it will harm our health.
