Sprouts Have Been A Superfood For Millennia

Sprouts Have Been A Superfood For Millennia
Sprouts Have Been A Superfood For Millennia

What nature gives us is true health. Recently, nutritionists have been paying close attention to sprouts. Why? Well, because they are unusually rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, enzymes, fiber. No wonder, they say: Ram, where new life has just begun, the power of nature has been concentrated so that from this small tiny embryo can grow a large plant.

Obviously, sprouts are a source of incredible power for the plant, and that means for humans.

The value of sprouts has long been known. The ancient Egyptians were the first to learn how to obtain wheat germ and then use it in their diet.

The Chinese mastered agricultural techniques for growing rice as early as the third millennium BC, but they also began to use rice sprouts as food.

The germination of various seeds / cereals, legumes, nuts / as food has been known not only in China but also in India, Tibet and Egypt, thousands of years ago. Sprouts are a major source of vitamins not only in winter but also during long journeys.


The Greek physician Hippocrates recommended wheat germ in the diet of his patients. Our ancestors, the Slavs, but also other peoples knew about them. A new surge of interest in sprouts began in the mid-20th century after Mahatma Gandhi, a natural nutritionist, published the book Diet and Diet Reforms in 1949. He described that sproutsincluded in the diet, improve the mental and physical strength of man.

The question arises: from which seeds can germs grow, which can then be used in nutrition?

The answer is simple. Almost any seed, provided that that seed has not expired.

Particularly popular for germination are wheat, buckwheat, pumpkin seeds, sunflower, soybeans, sesame seeds, radishes, brown rice, rye, millet, corn, peas, barley, almonds, hazelnuts, lentils, alfalfa, arugula, mustard, flaxseed.

It is described that seeds for sprouts of cumin, poppy, celery and many others can be used. Both sprouts and young stems are useful.
