The Brands Of Fake Butter Have Been Announced

The Brands Of Fake Butter Have Been Announced
The Brands Of Fake Butter Have Been Announced

After the association Active Consumers found huge violations in the oil on the domestic markets, the 15 brands of butter that used unregulated quantities of lard and water came to light.

The brands tested by the organization were Mlekovita, Fine Food, Deutsche Markenbutter (Rostar BG), Horeca, Hraninvest, Philippopolis, Kitchen Butter, Fine Life, Hraninvest, Alpenbutter Meggle, Domlyan, LACRIMA, Rhodope, MILTEX and Vereya butter.

Fine Food, Hraninvest, Kitchen Butter, Filipopolis and MILTEX brands found lower milk fats than previously reported.


An increased amount of water was found in the same 5 brands, which according to experts compensates for the lower content of non-dairy fats in the product.

No such infringements were registered in the Horeca brand, but the water content was not written on the label of their oil. This omission was also registered for the brands Alpenbutter Meggle, Deutsche Markenbutter, Vereya and Mlekovita.

After being exposed in unfair commercial practices, producers withdrew their goods from large retail chains and small neighborhood stores.

The most common violation found by Active Consumers in the tested oil was the unregulated use of non-dairy fats in the product without being announced on the label.

Cube Butter
Cube Butter

Most often, solid vegetable fats such as palm oil were used instead of natural milk fat.

In some samples, the percentage of non-milk fat reaches a shocking 75%. In the other samples, where this violation was found, it varies between 10 and 50%.

In some of the samples, waste fats, such as lard, even appeared, which is an illegal commercial practice and is contrary to Regulation 273/2008 of the European Commission and the Codex standard for butter.

It is also a mass violation of producers to use much more water than stated on the label. Higher water content degrades the quality of products, reduces their shelf life and increases the likelihood of development of pathogenic microorganisms.

In some of the samples the water reached 25% of the total content, and according to the regulation it should not be more than 16%. 5 of the tested brands do not even indicate the water content in the oil.

For several days now, a mass campaign has been launched in Burgas to check the oil consumed in the seaside town.
