What Do They Eat On Christmas And New Year Around The World

What Do They Eat On Christmas And New Year Around The World
What Do They Eat On Christmas And New Year Around The World

In Japan, the celebration of the New Year does not pass without cold appetizers, which are symbols of emotions and success. Boiled fish symbolizes peace, beans - health, caviar - happiness in the home.

In France, roast turkey is a must at the Christmas and New Year table. Goose liver pate, oysters, cheese and champagne are served these days.

In Austria, on the other hand, there is a belief that there should be no roast bird on the Christmas and New Year's table, because that is how happiness will fly away.

Therefore, there should be bread on the table, which symbolizes the unity of the family. In Spain and Portugal, twelve grapes are eaten at midnight on New Year's Eve.

Roe deer leg
Roe deer leg

At Christmas in Spain, seafood soup is served, followed by roast pork or lamb, and dessert is almond soup, rice porridge or honey halva.

In Italy, grapes, nuts and lentils, as well as fish dishes, are served on New Year's Eve. Jampone pork leg, cooked in a leather bag, as well as a festive salami are also served.

Twelve dishes are served in Poland and Ukraine on Christmas Eve. Meat is not allowed, but a large amount of fish is consumed, mostly stuffed with buckwheat.

In England, traditional English pudding is served at Christmas, which is served flambéed, as well as stuffed turkey with raisin sauce. Roast goose or piglet is served in Scotland, Ireland and Wales at Christmas.

In the United States, a traditional Christmas lunch is not complete without a stuffed turkey - it is filled with cheese, prunes, garlic, beans, mushrooms, apples, cabbage. The garnish is mashed potatoes, boiled corn and Brussels sprouts.

Deer and rabbit meat are served in the Netherlands at Christmas. In Belgium, beef salami with truffles, wild boar meat is served, and in Luxembourg - blood sausage and apples.

In Bulgaria, the choice of recipes for the New Year's table is very large, so we put together several collection categories with selected New Year's recipes:

- New Year's appetizers

- main dishes for New Year's Eve

- heavy meat for the New Year

- sample New Year's menu

- desserts and cakes for the New Year

- fluffy holiday cakes with step by step video
