Ideas For Cheap And Economical Dishes

Ideas For Cheap And Economical Dishes
Ideas For Cheap And Economical Dishes

Everyone would like, if she sits at the table, to be full of different delicacies. By nature, people are gluttons and would like to try as many dishes as possible. Of course, there are more pretentious, with a specific diet and diet such as vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists. There are also fourths who like to have nothing on their table but meat and meat products.

With the onset of the economic crisis and the mass financial weakness of the Bulgarians, the tables full of dishes are not such a common sight in the homes of our fellow citizens, except around a big holiday like Christmas, New Year or Easter.

The beginning of the culinary diversity in the Bulgarian lands began with the creation of the Bulgarian state. Customs and traditions in the cooking of the Thracians give the beginning of today's national cuisine. Thracians, Romans, Slavs, as well as many other tribes and peoples who lived on the territory of today's Bulgaria, have reflected on our culinary tradition in antiquity.

Archaeological data show that the main ingredients of ancient cuisine in our lands were typical for the region vegetables - cabbage, carrots, beets, turnips, onions, garlic, meat types - sheep, goat, pork, beef, poultry, game, cereals - millet, oats, barley, rye, wheat, as well as legumes - beans, lentils, peas, vetch.

It is no coincidence that Bulgarian cuisine is famous for its diversity and offers something for everyone. The dishes have been formed over years and centuries and are a mixture of Asian and European cuisine.

Recently, recipes from North American and African cuisine have also entered, thanks to a number of cooking shows, internet access and increasing multicultural unity and diversity.

Large food chains are introducing products that were hard to find years ago. Many of our grandparents have never heard of fruits such as guava, papaya, products such as muesli, peanut butter, asparagus, noodles, miso, tofu and more.

Everyone has a reason to accept or refuse a food, but regardless of tastes and habits, if you do not have the opportunity to fill your table from top to bottom with a variety of dishes, we offer you another alternative - that of traditional and not so expensive dishes. They will not need many products, and the time for their preparation is short. Many of these dishes are not only cheap but also healthy.

spinach soup
spinach soup

Homemade spinach soup

Put a bunch of fresh onions in boiling water (in winter use an old one). Boil for 10 minutes, then add spinach (fresh or frozen) and continue cooking for another 5-10 minutes. Add 2 cubes of beef broth and after a few minutes turn off the heat and add grated yellow cheese (or Parmesan). The whole mixture is strained. Cheap and useful!

Baked potatoes with rosemary

Fresh potatoes (and winter old ones) are washed and cut into (. Put olive oil, crushed rosemary and salt in a baking tray. Arrange the halves and bake as needed.

Crisis pancakes

You need 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons of flour and 2 teaspoons of 2 water. Beat the eggs with a wire, then add the water and flour until a homogeneous mixture. Cook them in a Teflon pan. Once the "crisis" pancakes are ready, combine with jam, cheese or anything else of your choice.

