Wedding Cake Traditions And Their Meanings

Wedding Cake Traditions And Their Meanings
Wedding Cake Traditions And Their Meanings

The magnificent a wedding cake she is often at the center of the wedding and she usually sits in a place of honor. This carefully planned tradition is long-standing and dates back to Roman times and the Middle Ages. Then a pile of bread was used instead of a culinary masterpiece on many levels, but the symbolism is generally the same. Many traditions have been established around the cake over the centuries and it still remains an important aspect of any wedding.

It is important to take the time to plan the cake that reflects the couple, and keep in mind all the different customs created around wedding cakes.

Cutting the cake

Along with the first dance and the bouquet, this charming tradition is one of those options that adorn any wedding album. Cutting the cake is the first activity performed as a couple, although historically the bride did this action only to symbolize the loss of her virginity.

Cutting the cakes became a more complicated process as they became multi-layered and the number of guests reached hundreds. Nowadays, the bride needs the help of the groom and usually does not cut the whole cake, but instead leaves this duty to the staff.

The bride and groom feeding each other the cake

White wedding cake
White wedding cake

The second act of the traditional cake-cutting ceremony is when the bride and groom feed each other with a small bite of the cake. It can be romantic and sweet, symbolizing the commitment to provide for each other and show love and affection.

The groom's cake

In some countries there are tradition the groom to have his own cake. It shows the groom's hobbies, individual taste and even his favorite sports teams.

Sleep with a piece of wedding cake under the pillow

It is believed that a person who sleeps with a piece a wedding cake under his pillow, he will dream of his future partner tonight. This custom dates back almost 300 years. Nowadays, with sumptuous cakes with creams and glazes, this custom will be a bit unfortunate. However, if you are interested in who your future partner will be, let your imagination run wild and come up with a compromise.

Symbolic mascots on the wedding cake

Wedding cake traditions and their meanings
Wedding cake traditions and their meanings

Another tradition is to put talismans with some symbolic meaning in the cake. The idea was to hide them and give each guest their piece with a personal mascot. Some symbols are:

Heart: true love

Ring: upcoming engagement

High chair: children

Clover or horseshoe: good luck

Rocking chair: long life

Anchor: adventure

Flower: new love

Bag: good luck

Wedding bells: marriage

The white wedding cake

The white cake icing was a symbol of money and social significance in Victorian times, so the white cake was highly coveted. The fine white sugar needed to create a white icing was extremely expensive, and the lighter the cake, the richer the family of the guests would look.

Elsewhere, the white cake is simply presenting the bride as the main focal point of the wedding. Many brides today mimic this continuity by creating cakes in the same shade as the dress or bouquet.

Wedding cakes they can be any color, but most people still feel that the main color should be white. This is, of course, the color of purity and traditionally this cake has been called the "bride's cake".
