Dream Body Without Cellulite: Mission Possible

Dream Body Without Cellulite: Mission Possible
Dream Body Without Cellulite: Mission Possible

Malnutrition, stress, lack of exercise, smoking, genetic predisposition and hormonal fluctuations play an important role in the development of cellulite.

Expert opinions on the causes of cellulite differ. While some believe that cellulite is an extremely genetic inheritance, others are more likely to believe that cellulite is the result of eating a high-fat diet and lack of physical activity. Poor circulation and accumulated toxins in the body also play an important role in the formation of cellulite.

Many experts agree that the key to success in the fight against cellulite actually lies in eating habits. First, the body needs to be provided with enough water (at least 2 liters per day) to facilitate metabolism and thus eliminate and reduce toxins.

Spring water, herbal teas are useful, and pasta and salty foods should be replaced with whole grains, fruits, vegetables and fish.

To remove harmful substances and toxins from the body, it is recommended to increase the intake of foods rich in vitamin C and potassium.

Intake of pineapple, asparagus, cabbage and apples acts as a natural diuretic and helps detoxify the body. Constipation is a problem that contributes to the accumulation of waste in the body and thus the formation of cellulite.

Healthy eating
Healthy eating

In order to regulate it, foods rich in fiber (whole grains, fruits and vegetables) are recommended. You should include natural laxatives such as prunes, wheat germ, flaxseed and oatmeal in your diet.

It is advisable to quit smoking because it contributes to the accumulation of toxins in the body and to avoid frequent use of medications such as sleeping pills or laxatives.

His body needs to provide enough oxygen, such as frequent walks in the fresh air. Tight clothing and tight-fitting clothing, such as jeans or elastic stockings, are recommended to be worn as infrequently as possible because poor blood circulation helps to retain waste products. Also, it is desirable to forget about high heels.

It is good to periodically massage the areas crucial for the formation of cellulite. The massage stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow. Set aside 30 minutes a day for exercise, so you will speed up your metabolism and increase the release of toxins.
