Mission Health - Possible

Mission Health - Possible
Mission Health - Possible

We are used to defining health as the absence of disease. In fact, in many parts of the world today, many health professionals still practice this outdated paradigm. However, the point is that this view of health does not take into account other factors that also indirectly affect it, such as the quality of sleep, stress, diet and our emotional state.

Besides, lack of disease seems like a pretty depressing definition of health, don't you think? True health is associated with a much more complete picture - certainly without disease, but it is also associated with vitality, energy, satisfaction from everyday life.

Here are 10 ways to achieve true health - wellness for your body, mind and soul!

1. Detoxification

Even if your diet is clean and nutritious, our bodies need extra TLC to work in optimal conditions. Stress, lack of sleep and toxins in the environment also put unnatural stress on our body, which requires additional treatment and support.

We all do spring cleansing, but have you ever thought that your body also needs cleansing to remove toxins and get your body back to its natural state?

2. Superfoods

In the ideal world, we will all eat clean, fresh and organic products straight from the garden. Our food will be loaded with goodness and healthy eating will not cost us effort.

Unfortunately, the state of modern food on the market is far from that ideal picture. Soil depletion, the way it is transported from the producer to the point of sale, and other factors help make our food much less nutritious than it needs to be.

3. Healthy intestines

Good gut health is really at the heart of our vitality and energy. Your body relies irrevocably on the intestines to transport nutrients from them to the body. The intestines can also be at the root of many health problems. IBS, bloating and irregular bowel habits are uncomfortable symptoms.

4. Reduce stress and deal with repressed emotions

Do you remember the last time you had nightmares? When was the last time you woke up in a cold sweat and a heart that would pop out?

And did you know that nightmares are a sign that stress affects our physical bodies. What is happening in our minds may not be real, but it still has a very real effect on our health.

Over a long period of time, stress can lead to chronic diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and weight problems. It suppresses the immune system, obscures our thinking, reduces our productivity and casts a great black shadow on our lives.

Fortunately, yoga, meditation, regular rest, work are great tools for relieving stress.

5. Do what you want

Imagine this. You have a physically healthy body, but you hate your job. This thought eats away at you every day in the office. You fall asleep and wake up thinking you have to go to that awful place.

It's hard to imagine vitality in this scenario, isn't it? No matter how good your body is, your mind must keep up with it. According to Maslow's Pyramid of Needs, all people have an innate desire to improve to meet their physical needs.

No, wait! Finding the goal (professionally or otherwise) in life will fill you with deep pride and satisfaction.

6. Protect your soul

If happiness and satisfaction are an important part of the puzzle of true health, depression and anxiety are the opposite.


Few things suck up the body's energy like stress and sadness. Your mental faculties are overloaded (there is no room for happy thoughts there) and sleep, work and personal relationships suffer from it. Stress suppresses immunity, interferes with digestion, reduces sexual desire.

Spend more time in nature, rest enough and quality. Exercise regularly, try relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga, use essential oils to calm the mind.

7. Prevent the risk of cancer

One third of the most common cancers can be prevented through diet and lifestyle changes. This is a lot of unnecessary torment and suffering!

Simple things like increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables as well as reducing processed foods is a great starting point. Limiting or stopping smoking, processed meats and highly refined carbohydrates also helps.

8. Stick to a healthy diet

We know that healthy eating is important for our health, but what should we actually eat? Worse, the word diet is synonymous with many people of miserable deprivation, hunger and dangerous yo-yo weight.

Just include fresh fruits and vegetables in your menu, limit harmful foods and the effect will be there.

9. Ah that bad appetite

Sugar is considered the heroin of food. It is a form of addiction and causes a wide range of health problems.

Try to limit sugar or replace it with natural sugars from fruits. Also use natural sweeteners such as coconut sugar, maple syrup and honey.

10. Direct contact with Nature

Plants contain a bouquet of natural chemicals and phytonutrients that can be used for your body's natural healing processes, help you fall asleep easier, soothe your skin and much more.

Aromatherapy, essential oils and herbs are incredibly powerful tools that will help you achieve the desired wellness comfort.

Yours, V. Velichkova:)
