Protasov's Diet

Protasov's Diet
Protasov's Diet

Protasov's diet lasts five weeks. During the first, second and third day, as well as until the end of the first week, only raw vegetables and yoghurt with 4.5 percent fat content are consumed.

The consumption of fatty cheeses is also allowed. One egg per day is allowed, but only boiled. The amount of food is unlimited, and none of the vegetables should be heat-treated, nor should it be made into a salad with the addition of oil and lemon juice.

The purpose of this diet is to load the body with as many vegetables and dairy products with high fat content. Unsweetened green tea and sugar-free coffee are allowed, you should drink two liters of water a day. Consumption of vegetable juices is not allowed. Only three fruits are allowed for the whole week - three sour apples.

The first week is not so difficult - you can make a vegetable salad with cheese and egg, you can make a combination of yogurt with cucumbers.

Protasov's diet
Protasov's diet

In the second week the menu is the same as in the first. By the end of the second week, you will begin to feel lightness throughout your body.

From the beginning of the third week, three hundred grams of meat are added to the menu daily - you choose whether it is roast beef, chicken or fish.

The amount of cheese and yoghurt is reduced. Until the end of the diet, raw vegetables, cheese and yogurt are consumed in limited quantities, one sour apple a day, one boiled egg a day, 300 grams of meat.

Once you finish the diet, which will reduce your weight from 5 to 9 pounds, you will be surprised to notice that you will not have much desire to rush to pasta and fatty foods.

Even if you do not have weight problems, it is good to follow Protasov's diet once a year to cleanse your body and improve metabolism. Protasov's diet is perfect for people who cannot undergo exhausting diets with a limited amount of food.

Before following the Protasov diet, consult a doctor, as it is not recommended for people who have stomach problems.
