Japanese Women Lose Weight With Tea

Japanese Women Lose Weight With Tea
Japanese Women Lose Weight With Tea

Everyone knows that drinking green tea is very useful. It contains many vitamins, but their amount is different. Water-soluble vitamins, which easily get into the decoction, are mostly good for health.

The most powerful in tea is the routine, ie. Vitamin P. Tea also contains many B vitamins - thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic and nicotinic acid.

These vitamins are indispensable because they take part in virtually all processes in the body. Ascorbic acid is more abundant in fresh tea leaves than in citrus fruits.

The tea also contains fat-soluble vitamins - provitamin A, vitamins E and K. Based on green tea, a Japanese tea diet has been developed. As long as it is observed, tea should be drunk half an hour before meals.

No light meals are served between lunch and dinner, as well as after breakfast. On the first day, drink a cup of green tea without sweetener for breakfast, eat a little soy cheese, no more than 150 grams. Lunch are two soft-boiled eggs, 200 g of stewed cabbage, 1 glass of apple juice.

Japanese women lose weight with tea
Japanese women lose weight with tea

Dinner is boiled white fish - about 200 g and fresh salad. The second day offers breakfast with a cup of green tea and a toasted slice of cheese. Lunch - steamed fish, cabbage salad and a cup of tea. Dinner is two boiled eggs, boiled beef - about 300 grams, a cup of green tea.

On the third day, drink a cup of green tea for breakfast, which is two toasted slices of bread. Lunch - stewed zucchini, a cup of tea, two apples. Dinner is two boiled eggs, a salad of green and yellow vegetables.

The fourth day offers breakfast from a cup of green tea, 150 g of cottage cheese or tofu. Lunch is a boiled egg with a salad of raw grated carrots and a cup of green tea. Dinner - a cup of green tea and 300 g of fruit.

Fifth day - a cup of green tea for breakfast and two toasted slices of honey. Lunch - 200 g of boiled white fish and a glass of tomato juice. Dinner - vegetable salad with cheese and a cup of green tea.

Day 6: breakfast from a cup of green tea and three rusks. Lunch - half a boiled skinless chicken, cabbage salad and a cup of green tea. Dinner - two boiled eggs, boiled carrot salad, a cup of green tea.

The seventh day - the last of the diet - surprises with breakfast from a cup of green tea without sweetener and other additives. For lunch, boiled beef with steamed vegetables and a cup of green tea are served. Dinner is 300 g of fruit of your choice and a cup of green tea.
