The Queen Cures Sore Throats And Mouth Ulcers

The Queen Cures Sore Throats And Mouth Ulcers
The Queen Cures Sore Throats And Mouth Ulcers

If you have a sore throat, you can make ginger tea - you need a root of the aromatic spice and 250 ml of water.

Put 1 tsp. from the root to boil in boiling water for three minutes, then withdraw and wait for the mixture to cool. Drink the mixture for one day, it is necessary to divide it into three doses. It is desirable to drink before meals.

Gargling with fenugreek infusion will relieve unpleasant pain from a sore throat. Another effective herb is calendula - the flowers of the plant have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. For mouth ulcers you can gargle with carrot juice. Parsley juice also helps.

Thyme has a good effect on the lungs, stomach, helps with colic, soothes chronic gastritis, helps with sore throats and ulcers in the oral cavity.

The herb oil is widely used in various mouthwashes - toothpaste, mouthwash. You can gargle with a decoction of thyme - this will help not only for cold sores in the oral cavity, but will eliminate tonsillitis and bad breath.

Chamomile decoction also relieves sore throat - put 1 tbsp. of the herb in 1 tsp. boiling water and leave the mixture for half an hour. Drink sweetened with honey for greater effect. Use the same decoction to treat cold sores in the mouth - gargle several times a day.


Sage, also known as sage, is also used to treat inflamed tonsils and sores in the mouth. For gargling - put a tablespoon of the herb in half a liter of boiling water and remove from the heat.

When the mixture cools, you can start treatment. For internal use, put the same amount of herb, but this time in 250 ml of boiling water.

Queen is known for its efficacy in various gynecological disorders. The herb is also effective in other health ailments - it is used for stomach problems, various inflammations.

Externally used to treat difficult to heal wounds, boils, rheumatism. Decoction of the herb helps even after a tooth is extracted - brush as often as possible to relieve pain and heal the wound faster.

You can gargle with a decoction of queen - the herb will relieve sore throat, and will help with mouth ulcers. Gargling is also effective if you suffer from laryngitis.
