Diet For The Treatment Of People With Anemia

Diet For The Treatment Of People With Anemia
Diet For The Treatment Of People With Anemia

Anemia is at the top of the list of blood diseases. This disease can be described as follows: a syndrome in which the number of erythrocytes decreases and the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood decreases sharply.

This disrupts oxygen metabolism and the person begins to experience breakdown, heart pain, drowsiness and dizziness. In severe cases, in the absence of treatment and proper nutrition, anemia leads to lung failure, hypotension, development of cardiovascular and cancer diseases.

The most common causes of anemia are genetics, diseases of the internal organs, injuries or improper lifestyle. For example, people who have lost a lot of blood due to trauma or surgery are at risk. Women with heavy periods are often prone to anemia. The cause of anemia can be gastritis, stomach ulcers, hemorrhoids and cancer.

Malnutrition, unbalanced diet and lack of vitamins are also the reason for the drop in hemoglobin levels. For example, iron, folic acid, vitamins C and B directly affect the formation of red blood cells. Their lack in the diet of children and adults leads to the development of anemia. Therefore, the role of proper nutrition is very important in the treatment and prevention of the disease.

Therapeutic diet for anemia

The basic principles of compiling menu for iron deficiency anemia are:

- calorie control;

- reducing the proportion of fats and carbohydrates;

- maintaining the balance of iron and vitamins.

The first rule: the diet must contain foods rich in protein, as they contribute to better absorption of iron. Fats and carbohydrates for patients with anemia are "useless", their share in the diet should not exceed the norm. There are no serious restrictions, but a sensible approach is encouraged. For example, sugar should be replaced with honey, and desserts made from fruit should be preferred to pastries.

Another rule that anemic patients should adhere to: do not neglect liquid foods. Soups, broths and sauces stimulate the secretion of the stomach, which promotes better absorption of nutrients.

The third rule applies to fluid intake. It is best to drink mineral water with a higher iron content. It is recommended to exclude soft and carbonated drinks from the menu, replacing them with rosehip tea or dried fruit compote, pomegranate juice, cranberry, apples, citrus fruits.

Proper diet for anemia includes Consumption of a range of foods rich in protein and iron:

- liver;

vegetables in anemia
vegetables in anemia

- meat of rabbit, turkey, chicken, lamb, beef;

- eggs - hens or quails;

- buckwheat, oats, millet, barley, legumes, flax, sesame;

- nuts - hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts, etc.;

- sea fish and seafood;

- whole grain bread;

- honey, jams;

- milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, butter;

- fruits (blueberries, raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries, grapes, apples, peaches, plums, bananas, quinces, etc.) - dried, fresh or roasted;

- vegetables and leafy greens (beets, carrots, tomatoes, zucchini, spinach, nettles).

Nutritionists recommend a combination of protein food and "vitamin" food: the therapeutic effect of such a diet is achieved faster. To maintain vitamin balance patients with anemia should consume regularly:

- fruits rich in vitamin C (rowan, blackcurrant, citrus fruits, apricots, strawberries);

- milk with honey to restore vitamin B12 (cobalamin) in the body;

- nuts (almonds, peanuts), citrus fruits, vegetables and other foods containing folic acid.

Junk foods

See which foods should be excluded from the menu. These include ingredients that interfere with the absorption of iron:

- lard, lard, margarine;

- melted and smoked cheeses;

- sauce and spices with spicy taste, vinegar, mustard, black pepper;

- fatty meat, sausages, smoked meats, canned meat;

useful foods for anemia
useful foods for anemia

- pickles and brine;

- coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, strong alcohol;

- pasta; creamy pastries, cakes;

- foods with a large supply of calcium.

Dietary recommendations

In terms of energy value therapeutic diet for anemia contains up to 3500 kcal. When compiling a menu for each day of the diet, an important rule is to withstand the daily need for nutrients, vitamins, trace elements. The food should contain 120 g of protein (16% animal), 90 g of fat (30% vegetable), 350 g of carbohydrates, 200 mg of vitamin "C", 30 mg of niacin. Content of vitamins A, B6, B1, carotene. In case of anemia, foods are preferred with sufficient content of sodium, calcium, phosphorus and iron elements.

How to make the correct menu for an anemic patientto get the most out of it and enjoy the taste? Nutritionists advise to divide the daily diet into 5 meals. Some tips for building daily menu for anemia:

- Breakfast should not be missed. You can include oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, chicken liver, vegetable salads, omelet, jam, butter, wholemeal bread, dairy products. Cranberry juice or forest compote are ideal as drinks;

- For a snack in the office, take apples, nuts, dried fruits, a glass of yogurt or a boiled egg;

- For lunch, prepare soup or broth and a meat dish with a garnish of vegetables. For dessert you can prepare fruit salad or fruit juice;

- Low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt with honey is a great option for a light afternoon snack, you can also add a cup of tea;

- Dinner should be low in calories and healthy. We recommend roasted fish or light meat with a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, maybe a little potato. Fruits are recommended for dessert.

When compiling a menu for each day, control the ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Combine meals in such a way that the body is guaranteed to receive iron, folic acid, vitamins C, B. Forming a diet with a predominance of protein foods, do not forget about fiber: cabbage, celery, carrots, beets, tomatoes, vegetables will help the stomach- intestinal tract, to cleanse the body and provide excellent absorption of nutrients.
