Nutritional Aids In The Treatment Of Anemia

Nutritional Aids In The Treatment Of Anemia
Nutritional Aids In The Treatment Of Anemia

Anemia, also known as anemia, is a condition in which the body is deficient in red blood cells (red blood cells) and the level of hemoglobin in the blood is reduced, which leads to disruption of the supply of organs and tissues with oxygen.

In most cases, anemia is iron deficiency and mainly affects children and pregnant women. Iron is one of the vital minerals for the body, thanks to which, oxygen reaches all parts of the body.

People suffering from anemia feel tired, weak, lack of energy, have a pale and exhausted appearance.

In addition to taking appropriate medication prescribed by a specialist, in anemia, a variety of foods should be consumedto supply the body with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals so that it can cope with this condition. Here are the most suitable nutritional aids in the treatment of anemia.


It is a great source of iron and must be present in the menu of people suffering from anemia. Among the types of meat most saturated with this important trace element are beef, venison, pork and liver. Chicken, turkey and duck contain less iron, but should not be underestimated.

Green leafy vegetables

green leafy vegetables in anemia
green leafy vegetables in anemia

Green leafy vegetables are extremely useful for the prevention and treatment of anemia. They contain stable amounts of iron, vitamins and very important nutrients. The richest in iron leafy vegetables are: spinach, dock, nettle, cabbage, lettuce and others.


Red beets are powerful a natural remedy for anemia. The unique beneficial effect that useful vegetables have in such a condition is due to the high amounts of iron and choline contained in it. Choline has antioxidant properties and helps cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and heavy metals. In addition, red beets are rich in carotene, folic acid and a number of vitamins - C, P and PP.


parsley is rich in iron
parsley is rich in iron

Traditional Bulgarian spice, used and revered for centuries due to the valuable healing properties and useful nutrients it contains - iron, zinc, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Regular consumption of parsley significantly improves the body's condition in anemia.

Fresh fruit

Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, which have a beneficial effect in the treatment of anemia, increase the synthesis of hemoglobin in the body and help the body function properly. They can be consumed in their natural form or in the form of freshly squeezed juices.


An important condition here is that the nuts are raw, and raw peanuts are not recommended. Almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts are most suitable. Almonds are a great source of essential fatty acids and other nutrients and are amazing therapeutic effect in anemia, also have a beneficial effect on heart health.
