Diet For People Over 50 Years Of Age

Diet For People Over 50 Years Of Age
Diet For People Over 50 Years Of Age

When a person turns 50, he begins to think more and more often about the way he lives his life and the way he eats. At this age, people should eat 4-5 times a day, but in small quantities.

This will not make it harder for the stomach to work, the blood sugar level will be good and the blood pressure will be normal. In order to get useful nutrients, the food of 50-year-olds must be varied, contain many vitamins and minerals.

Over the years, the body begins to work more slowly. The stomach starts to hurt, the intestines become lazy, you suffer from constipation and a bunch of other unpleasant pains. This is because salivation and the production of gastric juice are reduced. Therefore, the digestion of food becomes slow. When you eat everything that is seen and attracts you, and a person first feeds on the eyes - then come the problems.

There must be a regime in the way of eating, drinking and life in general. Many bad habits are also part of the problem of unhealthy living. We eat before bed, drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach, salt the dish extra and all such habits that are difficult to change.

People over the age of 50 often eat something hastily prepared, especially canned food - all because they are not financially stable. They forget about fresh fruits and vegetables because their prices are expensive and they can't afford it.

Problems with the teeth follow, and hence the restriction of certain foods. Foods that are soft and mushy and easy to chew are chosen. This is what causes stomach problems and pain. Foods rich in fiber, fiber and whole grains are forgotten.

Milk and milk products
Milk and milk products

They often eat easily digestible foods such as waffles, soft biscuits and other harmful chocolate products. As a result of this improper diet comes weight gain, and others lose weight dramatically. Foods rich in minerals and proteins such as rice, oatmeal, pasta, potatoes and cereals are recommended.

In the regime of 50-year-olds it is good to eat lean meat once a week, and fish is recommended 2 times a week. It is best if the meat is chicken or beef. These foods will prevent atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Eggs should also not be avoided, but should be taken in small amounts. 2-3 eggs a week is allowed in your menu. Don't forget dairy products, they are a source of calcium, and it strengthens your teeth and bones. Legumes should also be present in the menu. It is good to take once a week lentils, beans, soy.

Foods should be flavored with useful spices that do not irritate the stomach, such as oregano, thyme and mint. Fruits and vegetables should be eaten raw or steamed.

This preserves the beneficial nutrients. It is good to take 2 tablespoons of olive oil a day. Eat well and be healthy even after 50 years!
