Hydrastis Chases Colds And Flu

Hydrastis Chases Colds And Flu
Hydrastis Chases Colds And Flu

Hydrastis is an herb known to mankind for thousands of years. There is evidence of its use as a medicine since the time of the American Indians. Healers of those times mixed it with bear oil and used it as an insect repellent.

It has also been used to treat wounds, ulcers, ear pain, inflammation, inflamed eyes, stomach and liver problems. In addition, there are data on the preparation of infusions and decoctions of hydrastis root.

They were used to treat colds and flu, as well as more serious conditions such as fever, pneumonia, fever and heart problems. Some even believed that the herb had the ability to fight tuberculosis.

In Europe, the herb hydrastis came in the 18th century. Only a century later, its use became much more widespread, while in the 20th century it was hydrastis that was included in a drug called the Golden Medical Discovery. Its creator is Dr. Roy Pierce.

Hydrastis is an extremely beneficial plant, mainly due to its antiseptic and astringent properties. However, due to its mass demand, in recent years there has been a tendency for the herb to disappear in nature.

Therefore, when we buy hydrastis from specialty stores, it is good that it is of cultivated and organic origin.

Herb Hydrastis
Herb Hydrastis

The usable parts of the hydrastis are the roots and rhizomes. They contain the two main alkaloids hydrastin and berberine, as well as known levels of canadine.

The alkaloid hydrastin in hydrastis promotes the use of the herb to boost immunity. It treats all infections of the upper respiratory tract, eyes and throat, leading to colds and flu. In addition, this ingredient helps treat intestinal infections, helps facilitate digestion.

The herb is used to treat pain caused by sciatica, such as muscle and joint pain, as well as some gynecological diseases. In addition, hydrastin has the ability to constrict blood vessels and stimulate autonomic nerves. Promotes easy healing of urinary tract infections as well as skin problems.

Berberine - the other alkaloid has antibacterial and amoebicidal action. It is characterized by a mild laxative effect and anti-inflammatory action. It is used to treat diarrhea and cholera. It also has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Despite its many benefits, hydrastis should not be overdone. The alkaloids contained in it are extremely strong and their excessive use can lead to constriction of small blood vessels.

And this leads to an increase in blood pressure. In addition, the intestinal flora may be disturbed.
