Purslane Fights Heart Attack And Cancer

Purslane Fights Heart Attack And Cancer
Purslane Fights Heart Attack And Cancer

Purslane was also popular in our country. Over the years, however, her fame has waned and we have begun to perceive her as a storm. Abroad, however, it continues to be treated as a valuable vegetable because of its taste and numerous useful properties. It is sold expensively in the markets, and in some places the price exceeds even that of the grapes.

Centuries ago, and to this day, purslane was loaded with great religious significance. The Chinese believed that the plant contained plant mercury. Other peoples used it as a powerful anti-magic tool. They scattered the plant around the bed to protect it from evil spirits. In Ghana, purslane is still a symbol of peace and is mixed with fat to act as a remedy against evil.

Purslane has been used as a remedy by Hippocrates. With it he treated gynecological diseases and uterine bleeding. In the 1st century BC. the Roman scientist of Greek origin Dioscorides wrote in his works that purslane cleanses from parasites and reduces headaches.

The proven benefits of purslane are numerous. This is due on the one hand to the fact that it contains 7 times more vitamin C than citrus fruits. Fatty acids and Omega-3 in it are five times more than in spinach and some fish oils.

They protect against vascular sclerosis and heart attack, respectively. They also help purify the blood and protect blood vessels from plaque buildup.

Apart from heart attack, purslane also protects against cancer. It protects the body from the action of free radicals, as it contains two types of pigments that are powerful antioxidants - betacyanin and betaxanthin.


Purslane is a great natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of eye diseases. It also regulates blood sugar levels, protects the cardiovascular and hormonal systems, high blood pressure and obesity.

It contains potassium and magnesium, which protects against arrhythmia, improves heart function and stimulates the entire immune system. It is also used for migraines and muscle tension, arthritis, coughs and burns.

Both the leaves and stems of purslane are edible. Vegetables can be used as an addition to salads or main vegetables, from which you can prepare tarator and fresh juices. It can also be added to regular recipes with spinach and dock.
