Red Onion Against Stroke And Heart Attack

Red Onion Against Stroke And Heart Attack
Red Onion Against Stroke And Heart Attack

Although in the traditional Bulgarian cuisine the white onion is revered, its red cousin is one breast ahead in the competition for healthy foods. According to recent research by experts the red onion is an excellent helper in the fight against cardiovascular disease.

This purple vegetable helps eliminate bad cholesterol from the body, which can cause heart attack and stroke. At the same time, red onions retain good cholesterol, which helps prevent heart disease.

To come to the conclusion about the benefits of vegetables, scientists conducted a basic test with hamsters. In the course of the experiment, the small rodents were subjected to 2 types of diet.

One part of the animals ate high-cholesterol foods in combination with red onions, and another part was on a diet without healthy vegetables.


After eight weeks, bad cholesterol levels dropped by an average of 20 percent in hamsters who folded Red onion. These results fully support the claim that regular consumption of onions reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

In Bulgaria and in most of Europe, garlic is most often used in cooking. However, red onions are deeply embedded in recipes from Mediterranean and Indian cuisine, as well as in the Middle East. Due to its sweeter and less intrusive taste, red onion is extremely suitable for salads and raw dishes.

The benefits for human health of onions are a bunch - the vegetable is an anti-cancer agent, fights colds and flu, coughs and heart disease. In addition, eating onions regularly has a good effect on brain activity, it is good for teeth and gums.

Onions contain essential oils and organic acids, which play a significant role in digestion: increase appetite, increase the secretion of gastric juices and improve the absorption of ingested food.
