The Link Between Flaxseed And Cancer Risk

The Link Between Flaxseed And Cancer Risk
The Link Between Flaxseed And Cancer Risk

Recent research on the properties of flaxseed has revealed it as a food product that deserves special attention because of its potential to fights cancer.

This conclusion was made after about 27 ingredients were found in it, which have the power to fight cancer cells.

After the studies, it was suggested that flaxseed oil, rapeseed oil and walnut oil be included in the daily diet. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are important to be in daily use.

All studies show that flaxseed oil reduces the potential for breast cancer. Lignan and flax reduce the incidence of diabetes in the elderly by 80 percent.

It is assumed that the capabilities of to fight cancer cells comes from a chemical group - that of lignans. Flax is a very rich source of lignans among all foods.

And these chemicals have a high potential in fighting cancer, especially breast cancer. The opinion comes from the supposed ability to metabolize lignan, which binds to estrogen receptors and thus stops the attacks of estrogen, which stimulate breast cancer.

The link between flaxseed and cancer risk
The link between flaxseed and cancer risk

An experience with women with breast cancer in Toronto shows an interesting result. Some of the patients in the clinic were given cakes sprinkled with flaxseed, and others without it.

After surgical removal of the tumor, it can be seen that those who consumed flaxseed were able to reduce the tumor and it develops much more slowly, with the hope for a complete cure increased greatly compared to those who did not take linen products.

Therefore, all women diagnosed with breast cancer are recommended to take prophylactically 1-2 teaspoons flaxseed per day.

The capabilities of flax seeds to protect against cancer have also been observed in men with prostate cancer. After taking flax seeds for 34 days, it was found that cholesterol and testosterone levels decreased, and the number of dead cancer cells increased significantly.

The possibilities of flaxseed have also been tested in colon cancer. Studies have shown that lignans in flax have reduced the spread of 4 types of tumor cells in the colon in humans. From this comes the conclusion that flaxseed has a prophylactic effect on colon cancer.
