Is There A Link Between Sugar And Bad Behavior?

Is There A Link Between Sugar And Bad Behavior?
Is There A Link Between Sugar And Bad Behavior?

They are famous the harms of excessive sugar consumption. The sweet temptation leads to a sharp drop in blood glucose, and unstable blood sugar levels cause fatigue, headaches and have an addictive effect.

Sugar abuse, a consequence of addiction to sweets, is the cause of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. It suppresses the immune system; damages teeth; increases stress; interferes with the absorption of important nutrients and vitamins.

It turns out that white, sweet-tasting crystals have another detrimental role. They create conditions for violence in adolescents, increasing the desire to drink alcohol, smoke and maintain unhealthy habits. Of the products containing sugar, the most harmful for the unfortified body are modern energy drinks due to the content of caffeine and other chemicals.

Israeli university researchers analyze research from their counterparts in 25 countries in Europe and Canada on children aged 11 to 15. They conclude that the school fights; bullying of other children; drinking and smoking are directly related to sugar consumption. The increased use of products containing a lot of sugar is cause of bad behavior.

One study found that teens who abused sugar and energy drinks were more aggressive and harassed others.


What are the permissible amounts of sugar according to age?

Young children from 4 to 6 years can take up to 20 grams of sugar a day. Children in primary school age, up to 10 years, can afford up to 25 grams of the sweet substance, and above this age it is already permissible to consume up to 30 grams.

Everyone knows that there are more than the recommended amounts in carbonated drinks and desserts. They contain 35 grams of sugar. Based on this basic knowledge, we can predict what is useful for the student to eat before going to school or during the time provided for breakfast in the school chair. Creating the right habits gives hope that both health and behavior can be regulated and depend on one's own choice.
