Proven! Fatty Foods Lead To Prostate Cancer

Proven! Fatty Foods Lead To Prostate Cancer
Proven! Fatty Foods Lead To Prostate Cancer

We all know that fatty foods are not among the most useful that we can put on our table. Especially for men, they prove disastrous.

It is widely known that unhealthy eating of fatty foods and processed foods can contribute to the development of prostate cancer. So far, there has been no scientific or direct evidence of this. However, Israeli scientists have found a disturbing link between the genetic mechanism that triggers the process of metastasis in prostate cancer and the consumption of foods rich in fat.

The team leader is adamant that the discovery is a type of switch to the production of cancer cells. According to him, if there is a mechanism like this, there can be no drug to block it. It will prevent the appearance of metastases and will even be able to treat existing prostate cancer.

In case of partial loss of the tumor suppressor - the PTEN gene, a carcinogenic process begins, and the complete loss of this part of DNA is associated with the formation of metastases. Destroying the structures of another gene - PTL - also dramatically activates tumor growth.

fat foods
fat foods

The fast food diet of experimental mice rapidly led to damage to the PTEN and PTL genes, and this - to active metastasis. After the start of treatment of experimental animals for obesity, the development of the disease stopped instantly.

This is the first direct evidence that unhealthy eating of fatty foods and processed foods can provoke the onset and death of prostate cancer.

The relationship between the fast food diet and the occurrence of malignant tumors is frightening and requires urgent action. Fortunately, it will also provoke the creation of a cure for this type of cancer.
