Hot Drinks And Barbecues Lead To Esophageal Cancer

Hot Drinks And Barbecues Lead To Esophageal Cancer
Hot Drinks And Barbecues Lead To Esophageal Cancer

Hot drinks can be dangerous. They may increase the risk of esophageal cancer. Hot drinks irritate and break down the mucous membrane.

The warning was issued by Professor Stefka Petrova, national nutrition consultant and director of the Center for Public Health. She was a lecturer at a seminar in Sofia organized by the Fight Against Cancer Foundation.

Sunflower oil is also a risky product. It also increases cardiovascular and carcinogenic risk. The reason is that most of the fat in it is oxidized quite easily. Thus, the oil retains the so-called. N6-fatty acids, which lead to the risk of cancer, doctors are adamant after numerous observations and studies.


Barbecue also increases the risk of stomach cancer. This finding is set out in the latest report of the World Center for the Study of Cancer in 2009.

"There is no explanation why this is so, but the facts are there: when meat fat falls on burning wood, polycyclic aromatic carbons are formed in larger quantities than on processing, for example, on heated stones," said Professor Petrova.

The formed compounds stick to the meat and put us at risk. However, baking at a moderate temperature, not a high one, was not dangerous.
