Why Milk Is The Most Unique Food In The World

Why Milk Is The Most Unique Food In The World
Why Milk Is The Most Unique Food In The World

Perhaps the most interesting and wonderful food in the world is the one with which the animal and man feed their babies - milk.

Muscles, skin, bones, nails and teeth are built from the nutrients contained in milk. The milk turns the helpless lion into a powerful beast, the roar of which freezes everything. The huge whale as well as the small guinea pig are breastfed with milk.

Milk has everything a baby needs - it contains water, fat and sugar, protein, salt and vitamins.

The butter floats in the milk in the form of very small droplets. As the butter is lighter than water, it floats a little lower and a layer of cream forms.

When the cream is beaten, butter is obtained, from the blows the oil drops merge together and separate from the water.

Milk is a food liquidproduced by the mammary glands of female mammals. The natural purpose of milk is to feed offspringwhich is not yet able to digest other foods.

Milk is currently part of many products used by humans, and its production is a huge industry.

Milk is an amazing food prepared by nature itself.

The biological value of milk and dairy products is also determined by the high digestibility and digestibility of their proteins, which reaches 98%.

Milk proteins are very well absorbed if the milk is mixed and consumed with starch or bread in the form of milk creams, porridges and others.
