History Of Potatoes In A Few Interesting Facts

History Of Potatoes In A Few Interesting Facts
History Of Potatoes In A Few Interesting Facts

Potatoes are among the most commonly used vegetables in cooking. This is due to the fact that they have a high nutritional value and are suitable for the preparation of soups, stews, side dishes and main dishes, as well as for making various salads and even desserts.

There are over 4,000 varieties of potatoes in the world, but it is more interesting to learn some interesting facts about their history:

1. Potatoes were first cultivated in the Andes, at an altitude of about 4,000 meters. This is thought to have taken place as early as about 7,000 BC;

2. In order to be able to store the potatoes for a longer time, the Incas dried them, leaving them in the open after washing them. In this way, they froze, then were crushed in order to lose their fluid and were left in the sun. The potatoes were then peeled and left in the sun again. This method of drying, which lasted several weeks and is known as "chunos", continues to be used in Peru today. And this is not strange, because in this way the potatoes can last for several years;


3. According to some potatoes were transferred for the first time to Europe from Peru to Spain, and according to others their route is from South America to Ireland and England. However, it is known that the consumption of potatoes was not quickly established among Europeans, who used them only for decoration because of their beautiful colors. In Russia, potatoes were even thought to be the cause of many diseases among the Russian population;

4. Around the 17th and 18th centuries, the largest consumer and producer of potatoes was Ireland. This is due to the fact that the climatic features and relief of the country proved to be particularly suitable for their cultivation;

5. In Bulgaria, where the population has long emphasized cereals, potatoes began to be grown only at the end of the 18th century;

Varieties of potatoes
Varieties of potatoes

6. Potatoes were among the main provisions that were transported on ships on their long journey from the New to the Old World, because due to the presence of vitamin C, they protected sailors from scurvy.

7. Among the largest producers of potatoes today are China, Russia and India, and in Europe - Poland and Germany.
