Here Is How Much Ice Cream Bulgarians Eat Per Year

Here Is How Much Ice Cream Bulgarians Eat Per Year
Here Is How Much Ice Cream Bulgarians Eat Per Year

A new study shows that the ice cream is not among the favorite delicacies of Bulgarians for the summer, because we rank only 16th in the consumption of ice cream among the countries in the European Union.

On average, Bulgarians eat 3.5 liters of ice cream a year, which puts us at the bottom of the ranking of consumption of the most popular summer temptation. We are also in the last places in terms of production.

Germany is the market leader in ice cream among European countries. Over the past year, they have produced 517 million liters of ice cream. In second place are Italy, which, although known for its recipe for a cooling dessert, in 2017 produced 511 million liters of it.

Third are France with 466 million liters of ice cream produced per year, and fourth are Spain with 320 million liters of ice cream produced per year.

The study also states that 3.1 billion liters of ice cream were produced in the European Union last year.

The most popular are gelato and elado, which peaked in sales last year, and trends for 2018 show that gelato will again be the most preferred type of ice cream.

The first place in the production and consumption of the summer temptation is again disputed between Germany and Italy.
