Beets Thicken And Heal Hemorrhoids

Beets Thicken And Heal Hemorrhoids
Beets Thicken And Heal Hemorrhoids

Beets are a source of very important vitamins for the human body. According to scientists from Russia, beets are not only the easiest and fastest way to a good figure, but also a means of treating hemorrhoids.

The diet itself is simple - you can eat an unlimited amount of beets, as long as it is cooked. Freshly squeezed beet juice is also consumed.

The diet also includes the consumption of fresh carrots and freshly squeezed carrot juice. Boiled beets are ideal for salad - just grate it on a grater, season it and the salad is ready.

This salad will be your main meal during the beet diet. If you eat grated raw beets, you may have stomach problems.

Beets thicken and heal hemorrhoids
Beets thicken and heal hemorrhoids

In addition to boiled beets and fresh carrots, you can drink water, unsweetened tea and, of course, fresh carrots and beets. These juices can be drunk separately or mixed.

You can add a few drops of liquid cream to fresh grated carrots, as beta-carotene in them is absorbed only in the presence of fat.

You can also cook the carrots and if you cut them into cubes, you will get an amazing ingredient for the salad. It will be obtained by mixing sliced boiled carrots with chopped boiled beets.

There are no restrictions on the time you consume beets, as well as the quantities. You can dull the feeling of hunger with the help of two boiled small heads of beets.

The diet is followed for ten days. During this time, the hemorrhoids will shrink. And in addition to the healing effect, you will be able to say goodbye to four kilograms in just ten days.
