How To Thicken Egg Custard

How To Thicken Egg Custard
How To Thicken Egg Custard

Egg cream is very tasty, it is used both for direct consumption and for making various types of desserts - it is used to fill eclairs, pastry baskets, and is also used for cakes.

In order for the cream to be well prepared, it must be mixed not with a metal spoon, but with a wooden spoon, which scrapes the cream well from the bottom of the dish.

After boiling the cream, it should be cooled in the refrigerator. In order not to form a crust on the cream in the refrigerator, it should be stirred periodically.

To get about four hundred grams of cream, you need one teaspoon of milk, one egg, five tablespoons of sugar, two teaspoons of flour.

Mix the egg with the flour until all the lumps are removed, add a quarter of the milk and mix well again.

In a saucepan, boil the remaining milk with the sugar, stirring with a wooden spoon. Pour a thin stream of boiling milk into the egg mixture, stirring constantly.

How to thicken egg custard
How to thicken egg custard

Return to the hob and stir until thickened. The cream should not boil, because the egg will cross. For better taste, it is good to bake the flour in a dry pan.

If the cream is not thick enough, there are several ways to thicken it. One of them is to remove the cream from the stove and add a little hot milk in which you have mixed flour baked in a pan - about half a tablespoon.

Another option for thickening the rare cream is to add a little cornstarch directly to the cream, which you have mixed with a little water or fresh milk. Stir until completely dissolved in the cream and simmer until thickened.

The third option is to add another egg with flour, which you have mixed to a lump-free mixture. Add a little cream to the flour mixture so that the egg does not cross, and return to the pan on the stove. You can also add a tablespoon of corn flour.
