How To Lose Weight According To Dr. Lyudmila Emilova

How To Lose Weight According To Dr. Lyudmila Emilova
How To Lose Weight According To Dr. Lyudmila Emilova

Dr. Lyudmila Emilova, who has become popular in our country in recent years and whose name is associated with the so-called obese, is actually a prominent specialist in internal medicine, rheumatology, cardiology and health management. The fact is, however, that her clinic has become famous for the fact that a number of our celebrities drastically lose weight without the intervention of any medication.

The secret of Dr. Lyudmila Emilova lies in the diet she invented, based on the consumption of fruits, tea and honey, combined with exercise. And although many believe that the regime set by her is too strict, they very quickly stop complaining after seeing with their own eyes their improved vision. That is why here we will share what is the idea of Dr. Lyudmila Emilova for a proper diet:

- Honey, tea and fruits are a real gift from nature, which helps not only to lose weight, but also for the prevention and treatment of a number of health problems;

Apples, honey and tea
Apples, honey and tea

- Although the intake of all other foods is very limited, each patient of Dr. Emilova consumes fruit, honey and tea every 2 hours. The amount is determined for each individual, but it is assumed that for such an interval of time a person should not feel a serious feeling of hunger. At the same time, the energy from the obtained products is directed not for digestion, but for purification of the organism from accumulated fats and harmful substances. In short - consuming honey, fruit and tea, you will quickly, easily and permanently lose weight and start liking your body;

- Dr. Emilova's diet is accompanied by exercise. Usually, everyone can choose which sport from the ones offered in her clinic she wants to focus on, but she also receives valuable guidance from the appointed staff;


- It is very important not to switch to the above-described diet on your own, but to consult a specialist, because in Dr. Emilova's clinic each patient is approached according to the case of his health condition, and not only according to how much he weighs and how much weight is desirable to lose.
