They Also Write Calories On Drinks In Bars

They Also Write Calories On Drinks In Bars
They Also Write Calories On Drinks In Bars

The U. S. Food and Drug Administration has suggested that bars and other establishments that offer alcoholic beverages list the calories contained in each drink.

It is quite possible that the American organization will oblige every restaurant to write down the calories, and most likely the ordinance will come into force in November next year in the United States.

Health experts say many people lose the measure, not only when they eat, but also when they drink. Therefore, they accept the proposal of the Administration as completely logical and as there is information about its content on each food, the same should apply to drinks.

Alcohol is largely to blame for the large number of calories consumed by Americans today, says Margot Utton of the Center for Science in the Interest of the People.

The center has petitioned the government to provide nutrition information on all bottles and cans of drinks.

The cocktails will have to display the calories of everyone who is included in the menu. The number of calories in red and white wine will correspond to one glass. It will be mandatory for each brand to have the exact number of calories tested.


The proposal was immediately opposed by beer producers from the country of unlimited possibilities. Such a law for them will mean additional work to study the exact number of calories.

Another issue is that more vain ladies are unlikely to order a third cocktail after being informed of how many calories they have ingested and how it will affect their figure.

Some time ago, Greatist took on the task of informing fans of alcoholic beverages are calories.

From the graphs it became clear that 42 grams of hard alcohol such as the popular Jack Daniels whiskey contains 98 calories, and Jim Beam - 100 calories. Absolute vodka contains 96 calories and Smirnoff - 97 calories.

About 140 grams of red wine contains 120 calories, and white - 110 calories. Champagne has 112 calories.
