A Glass Of Red Wine And A Piece Of Chocolate Are The Way To Longevity

A Glass Of Red Wine And A Piece Of Chocolate Are The Way To Longevity
A Glass Of Red Wine And A Piece Of Chocolate Are The Way To Longevity

A few pieces of chocolate and a glass of red wine can prolong a person's life and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. This conclusion was reached by a group of scientists from Australia and New Zealand, after conducting special studies.

Daily consumption of 100 grams of dark chocolate and 150 milliliters of red wine is the ideal food for those who want to live to a ripe old age without having to visit a cardiologist. Dark chocolate, which contains more antioxidants than other foods, is able to improve the efficiency of the circulatory system.

Foreign experts have developed a complex diet that reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 78% and increases life expectancy. The main components of a healthy diet are chocolate and wine. Every type of healthy food, consumed in the right amounts, neutralizes the harmful effects of external factors.

Scientists also recommend eating different fish dishes 4 times a week. In addition to the daily diet should be present about 400 grams of vegetables and fruits, 68 grams of almonds and 3 grams of garlic. It is also permissible to include in foods such as olive oil, soy, tomatoes, bran, cereals, nuts, tea and chickpeas.

black chocolate
black chocolate

If one follows all these guidelines, the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced by almost 80%. At the same time, scientists claim, life expectancy in men increases by 6 years, and in women almost 5 years.

The only thing people who have decided to follow the advice of scientists should be careful not to overdo it with wine, alcohol or chocolate. When you take too much of them, the opposite effect occurs - obesity and disease as a result of large amounts of alcohol consumption.
