Products That Are Harmful In Large Quantities

Products That Are Harmful In Large Quantities
Products That Are Harmful In Large Quantities

There are products that are useful, but only if you do not consume them in large quantities. Such are, for example, carrots. They are rich in various vitamins and minerals that are very good for health.

But consuming them in large quantities can create an excess of beta-carotene in your body. Precisely because of this substance, carrots are orange in color.

Excess beta-carotene in the blood can change the color of the skin. The condition, known as carotenemia, occurs due to an overdose of carotene.

Carotene breaks down fat. If its amount is higher than normal, it leads to the accumulation of its molecules in the upper layer of the skin, which becomes yellowish or orange. This is especially noticeable on the palms, soles, knees and nose.

Caroteneemia is common in infants who ingest large doses of mashed carrot juice, but can also affect the elderly.

One cup of grated carrots contains fifteen milligrams of carotene. But to turn your skin orange, you need to eat a glass of carrots every day for nearly a year. This is not a dangerous condition and is very easy to treat.


Another product that is harmful in large quantities is sushi with tuna. Excessive consumption of raw tuna can increase the risk of mercury entering your body.

Large fish such as bluefin tuna are at the top of the food chain and can therefore accumulate mercury methyl in their muscles as they eat large amounts of small fish.

Mercury can cause serious neurological problems. Children and pregnant women should not consume much tuna, and the rest can eat up to one hundred and seventy grams per week.

Coffee should also not be consumed in large quantities. More than four strong coffees a day have a detrimental effect on the body. Side effects are insomnia, nausea, anxiety, headache.

Nutmeg as a spice is not harmful and gives a pleasant aroma to dishes and drinks. But an overdose can lead to hallucinations.

The spice in large quantities causes a feeling of anxiety, fear and the feeling that you will surely die. In particularly large quantities, an exit effect is created.
