How Many Workouts Are Behind Our Favorite Sweet Temptations

How Many Workouts Are Behind Our Favorite Sweet Temptations
How Many Workouts Are Behind Our Favorite Sweet Temptations

There is a belief among women that calories are mythical creatures that live in those who are on a diet. The truth is that the war on excess weight is a series of daily battles with the temptations that surround us everywhere.

We often allow ourselves to snatch some sweet temptation from the shelf to sweeten up in the afternoon, calming our conscience with the promise to burn the extra calories on the treadmill in the gym.

But do you know how much you have to run to burn the calories you take in with a Snickers or Kit Kat? The answer to this question will shock you and most likely reduce your desire to walk past the chocolate stand.

So, ladies, make a note.

To burn calories in a cup of instant coffee without cream and sugar, you will need to travel 420 meters at an average speed of 10 km / h. Add cream and sugar and you will have to sprint for about a kilometer.

For the small package of Milky Way chocolate dessert you will have to run 1.73 km, and only two Ferrero Rocher candies contain calories that are burned after a 2.21 km sprint. You have to run 1.84 kilometers to melt a portion of cake, and a medium-sized apple burns after 0.9 km.

Chocolate bar
Chocolate bar

If you picked up a dessert like Snickers, Mars, Bounty or Kit Kat from the store shelf, carefully put them back in place, slowly step back two meters, then turn around and never approach the calorie bomb stand again.

To burn the calories consumed by consuming each of these desserts, you will need to run at least 3.66 km.

The record holder in terms of calories is the irresistible Twix, because of which you will have to run no less than 3.97 km.

Sweet Temptations
Sweet Temptations

And if you think it can't get any worse, you're wrong. A portion of flavored rusks - type cubes, weighing about 60 g, will cost you 4.24 km., You decide.

Winner in the delicious category calorie bomb is the chocolate cake with chocolate glaze, because of which you will have to somehow run 6.94 km.

Finally, we must refute the widespread notion that food used for medical purposes (ice cream as an antidepressant or chocolate for energy) does not count. Count how else - ask the telltale love handles in the waist area.
