Red And Yellow Tea Protect Against Disease

Red And Yellow Tea Protect Against Disease
Red And Yellow Tea Protect Against Disease

Green tea is more useful than black, scientists say. This is mainly due to the fact that the leaves of green tea are subjected to much less processing, which retains its useful properties.

Otherwise, green and black tea are made from the same plant, just the leaves are collected at different times. White tea is the most useful, as it completely preserves vitamins and trace elements.

For the production of white tea, the top undamaged petals are used, which are slightly dried and steamed for no more than a minute.

White tea slows down the aging process of the body, protects against a number of diseases, strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps faster wound healing, protects against viruses and bacteria.

Green tea is made by drying them immediately after collecting the leaves. The minimal processing allows to keep the useful properties.

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Green tea activates the vital forces of the body, normalizes metabolism, the work of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, protects against tooth decay and strengthens blood vessels.

Yellow tea is made by collecting only the buds of the plant and holding them over steam, then wrapping them in a special cloth or paper and drying them.

Yellow tea normalizes blood pressure, the work of the cardiovascular system, activates mental activity. Red tea is made when the leaves of adult plants are harvested at full maturity and dried twice until they turn brown or reddish.

Red tea slows down skin aging, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure and the content of harmful cholesterol in the blood.

Black tea is made from leaves collected from adult plants. The processing involves many stages, including winding and drying.

Black tea reduces the risk of many diseases of the stomach, intestines and chest. It normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, kills germs that cause diarrhea and pneumonia, reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
