Yellow And Orange Vegetables Protect Against Cancer

Yellow And Orange Vegetables Protect Against Cancer
Yellow And Orange Vegetables Protect Against Cancer

A study found that eating yellow and orange vegetables reduced the risk of bladder cancer by 52%.

The study team analyzed the medical records of 185,885 volunteers over a 12.5-year period. The researchers found 581 cases of invasive bladder cancer. Of these, 152 were women and 429 were men.

A team from the University of Hawaii's Cancer Center found that women who ate more yellow and orange vegetables were less likely to develop cancer.


The researchers also considered other factors that cause cancer, such as smoking and the age of the participants in the experiment.

Yellow and orange vegetables are richest in vitamins A, C and E.

Orange vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes contain alpha and beta carotene, antioxidants that protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and help rejuvenate cells.

When we eat foods rich in beta-carotene, our body gets the necessary amount of vitamin A. Vitamin A nourishes collagen in the skin and makes it elastic and soft.

Yellow vegetables, such as peppers, corn and potatoes, are a rich source of beta-cryptotanxin, a phytochemical that protects against heart disease and helps in the intercellular metabolism of vitamins and minerals.


Yellow products regulate hormone levels and increase metabolism.

They contain carbohydrates, dietary fiber, B vitamins, which stimulate peristalsis, provide the body with high quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium and vitamin B1.

These vegetables are low in fat but rich in vitamins and minerals. They can be a natural prevention against diseases for which no effective cure has yet been invented.

Bladder cancer usually develops in adulthood. The reasons for the appearance of this cancer are unclear, but it is assumed that factors such as smoking predispose to the appearance of this disease.
