An Elixir Of Health From A Siberian Herbalist

An Elixir Of Health From A Siberian Herbalist
An Elixir Of Health From A Siberian Herbalist

Almost all of us know that from many centuries ago folk medicine in Siberia has been very developed. Self-taught healers treated with folk remedies due to lack of others. And then patients lived much longer than the current "victims" of drugs.

Here we will talk about the healing and strengthening mixture of one of Siberian herbalist. Each of the ingredients has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism and you do not need to be an herbalist to find everything you need.

Necessary products: 1 kg of organic buckwheat nuts, 1 kg of walnuts, 700 g of herbal honey

Method of preparation: Grind the nuts and buckwheat in a blender or coffee grinder, place them in a glass jar with a lid and pour honey over them, mix very well until smooth. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Accept from this folk elixir of health 1 tbsp, three times a day for a month. It will also be more useful to add ground raisins and dried apricots.

Cure with buckwheat, walnuts and honey
Cure with buckwheat, walnuts and honey

Why these products?

Buckwheat is rich in macro-and micronutrients, vitamins and iron. Much has also been written about honey: it heals the body at the cellular level. As for walnuts, they are saturated with healthy fatty acids.

It is recommended, after completing the full course of treatment, to switch to another megavitamin and healthy mixture - Amosov paste. Strengthen the immunity of each member of the family and you will enjoy the delicious product.

If you return to the course with enviable regularity, the number of pharmacy products in the nightstand will decrease.

Do not replace buckwheat with buckwheat flour. It is far more useless and do not expect the desired effect!
