To What To Add Siberian Onions

To What To Add Siberian Onions
To What To Add Siberian Onions

Siberian onion (Allium schoenoprasum) is a type of onion that first appeared in Europe and Asia. It is also called shives, lettuce, yeast, wild garlic and noodles. It is a bulbous herbaceous perennial plant. It reaches 30-50 cm in height and has hollow tubular leaves. It blooms in pale purple sometime in summer.

The earliest documents on the use of Siberian onions are for the ancient Chinese - somewhere around 3,000 BC. The Romans believed that Siberian onions could relieve the pain of sunburn or sore throat. It was also believed that eating it had the ability to raise blood pressure and act as a diuretic.

The old gypsies used Siberian onions for divination, and sheaves of dried Siberian onions around the house repelled diseases and evils.

Siberian onions are grown for their leaves. They are used as a vegetable and spice. It is closest to green onions. Therefore, even its Chinese name literally translates as "thin, fragrant green onion."

Salads with Siberian onions
Salads with Siberian onions

In our country this culture is still quite unknown. It can be found most often in the high parts of our mountains, in humid places. But despite being wild in Bulgaria, this relative of garlic and leeks is just entering the native cuisine.

The vegetables are used raw and finely chopped. A suitable substitute is onion in any recipe. Perfect spice for salads, omelets and baked potatoes, as well as for soups. It is a favorite of people who do not tolerate the sharp taste and smell of ordinary onions. With strong heat treatment or drying, these qualities of Siberian onions become even more unobtrusive.

Each dish, sprinkled with finely chopped Siberian onions just before serving, brings an unexpectedly good new taste. Egg dishes, cheese or cream sauces, as well as fish, work best.

Salad onions are perfect when it comes to different decorations. In addition to its leaves, the edible flowers of the plant can be a surprising decorative and taste accent, placed in a simple lettuce.

When you decide to add Siberian onions to your dish, it is good to know how it combines with other spices. If you have already added onions or garlic, then its use is meaningless. The options for mixing flavors are otherwise innumerable. It is good to rely on combinations with fresh, aromatic herbs.

Bread with onions
Bread with onions

To bring the necessary freshness to any dish you think is missing, add a combination of parsley, tarragon, lettuce and wild cherry. The result will inevitably be stunning.

Bread with cream cheese and wild garlic

Necessary products: 130 ml water, 85 g cream cheese, 1 and 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp sugar, 330 g flour, 7 g fresh yeast or 2 and 1/2 tsp dry yeast, Siberian onion

Method of preparation: The yeast is dissolved in warm water. Add the sugar and set aside for 5 minutes. The flour is sifted. Add the foamed yeast, cream cheese, salt and Siberian onion. Knead a soft dough and place in a greased bowl.

Cover the top with a towel and leave for an hour or until it doubles in volume. The dough is shaped into the desired shape. Place in a greased pan and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 35 minutes. It is recommended to place a bowl of cold water on the floor of the oven while baking.
