Mint And Dill Against Heartburn

Mint And Dill Against Heartburn
Mint And Dill Against Heartburn

Heartburn is a very common problem. However, they are easily treated.

In order not to get heartburn, you must first eliminate irritating foods from your menu.

Mint tea
Mint tea

If you already have such a problem, then take a diet that includes bananas, rice, apple sauce, toast and tea.

Baked potatoes with a little salt are recommended to reduce the acids. They are relatively easy to digest, while not hampering the digestive tract. In case of heartburn, it should be eaten more often, but in smaller doses.


Of the herbs, the most beneficial are the tea from hot mint and dill. These two herbs are very useful and work well against gas in the stomach and intestinal tract.


Herbal teas can be drunk after eating spicy and spicy dishes that can irritate the stomach walls and intestines, as well as if you already have such a problem.

Prophylactically recommended for people prone to heartburn.

Herbal mint tea is a very popular herbal drink in our country. Helps with indigestion, or so-called dyspepsia, which creates a feeling of irritability and discomfort.

In such a situation, mint tea is very refreshing because it helps to recover from disorders of the digestive system.

In addition, mint is traditionally used to relieve heartburn, nausea, inflammation of the digestive tract, gas, and to treat gallstones.

Mint is recommended even during pregnancy.

However, it is not good to consume tea before bedtime, as mint also relaxes the esophageal sphincter, clearing the way of stomach acids.

Another extremely useful herb is dill. Fresh or dried, for pain and stomach problems, tea from it is recommended.

Another recipe you can apply is a tablespoon of finely chopped fresh dill, grind with 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and pour 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of boiling water.

After it cools down, strain it and drink 1 teaspoon of the infusion 20-30 minutes before eating. The interesting thing about fennel is that if taken in large quantities in the form of a spice, it is actually able to cause heartburn.
