Seven Habits Against Heartburn

Seven Habits Against Heartburn
Seven Habits Against Heartburn

Heartburn is well known to those who suffer from it. The burning pain in your stomach torments you every time you eat and does not give you peace for hours.

The thousands of pills on the market that only temporarily put out the fire in the stomach do not help. You must strictly follow a diet if you do not want to hurt again.

Acids cause pain in the middle and upper stomach. They most often appear after eating and can be accompanied by burning, which rises up the esophagus and reaches the throat. Sometimes there are symptoms that we can not connect with the digestive system - cough, hoarse voice, hiccups, sinusitis.

Burning and heartburn can be due to stress, smoking, but as we have already said, to some foods. Another reason is taking certain drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa - most often aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs.

For this reason, it is recommended not to take them on an empty stomach, but during meals or after - ingested food protects the gastric mucosa from aggressive substances in the drugs.

But there are a few simple rules that will allow you to eat your favorite foods without worrying.

1. Eat little and often - so the food has the opportunity to digest more easily.

2. Remove sweets from your menu - sweets are not good except for your figure and the absence of acids.

3. Don't drink alcohol - studies show that people who drink often are twice as likely to get heartburn as those who don't drink often.

4. Lose weight - scientists have found that there is a link between heartburn and overweight.

5. Do not wear too tight clothes - if your body is tight, the digestive process slows down.

6. Sleep with your head raised - this way your esophagus gets more freedom of action, and hence improves digestion.

7. Stop smoking - they provoke heartburn.
