Effective Tips Against Heartburn

Effective Tips Against Heartburn
Effective Tips Against Heartburn

Heartburn is a problem for many people. The unpleasant sensation occurs due to the rise of enzymes and acids from the stomach to the esophagus. In general, the place of these acids is in the stomach, and when they go out they create a feeling of discomfort.

In these cases, diet and nutrition are the main defense mechanisms against stomach acid. Protect yourself by keeping these acids in place - in the stomach.

The first step you need to take is to reduce the amount of food you eat. Large portions fill the stomach for several hours, which increases the risk of heartburn. Let meals be more frequent and in smaller quantities. Chew food very well, do not overeat. If you smoke, reduce or stop smoking completely.

When eating, it is best to stay upright. You should not lie down, bend over or lift heavy objects.

Do not wear tight belts and pants that would press on your stomach.

There are foods that increase the production of acid in the stomach, and on the other hand slow down its emptying from ingested food. Be careful with the consumption of dishes with lots of spices, tomatoes, fatty and spicy foods, garlic and onions, alcohol, tea, coffee and carbonated beverages. Avoid pastries and fried foods.

Chew gum because it helps to salivate, has a calming effect on the esophagus and returns the acid back to the stomach.

Check out some herbs and products that relieve the discomfort caused by heartburn.

St. John's wort - in half a liter of hot water add 1 tbsp. fresh leaves of the herb. Leave to stand for a minute, then strain. Drink two glasses a day of the infusion.

Yarrow - 1 tsp. of the herb is boiled with 1 cup of water, left to stand and filtered. You should drink 2 or 3 glasses of the infusion a day.

In half a liter of hot water put 1 tbsp. fresh leaves of the herb sorrel. After standing for half a minute, strain the mixture. Drink two glasses a day.
