Unknown Mushrooms: Red Sheep Nose

Unknown Mushrooms: Red Sheep Nose
Unknown Mushrooms: Red Sheep Nose

The sponge Red sheep nose is also called Copper sheep nose. It is an interesting type of mushroom, but not familiar enough to humans.

The mushroom is good to eat and is suitable for drying and canning.

The hood, when young, is initially conical with a raised edge. When it develops more, it becomes flat with a size of 3 to 12 cm. In addition, the hood has a wide rounded hump. It is sticky and slimy to the touch.

The color varies from copper to burgundy, often with a gray-violet tinge, which is why it is named. As the sponge ages, the color fades.

The plates of the sponge Red sheep nose are descending, thick, but very sparse, red, through purple-brown to dark brown with a rounded edge.

The stump of the mushroom is cylindrical, dense, with the color of a hood. The base is yellow. Slightly mucous, initially connected to the hood with a fibrous cover, from which at a later stage cobweb-like remains remain.

The flesh of the Red Sheep's Nose is orange-red, odorless, with a pleasant taste. The spore powder is black.

It grows in coniferous, more often pine forests, in groups in large quantities. It occurs from July to the end of October.
