Preparation Of Homemade Fruit Syrups

Preparation Of Homemade Fruit Syrups
Preparation Of Homemade Fruit Syrups

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Everything that is prepared between the four walls of a home must be done with a lot of desire to please those for whom we prepare it.

Sometimes it doesn't even matter if it's perfect or something is missing. And when we talk about home and home cooking, we must not forget that not only food can be prepared at home.

We can do it homemade syrupswhich do not take us away from time at all, and then become delicious and fragrant. Of course, they have nothing to do with the carbonated and harmful drinks that children love so much.

The difference is that homemade syrups are not harmful, and if you want your child not to look in the windows of carbonated drink stores, make him a syrup at home.


Let's start with a classic and well-known drink - lemonade. An extremely easy version of lemonade is the following:

Necessary products: 4 tsp lemon juice, 4 tsp sugar

Method of preparation: Squeeze the lemons, then strain the juice if desired. The goal is to have no pieces or seeds that can spoil the taste. Put the already squeezed juice in a bowl and pour the sugar. You have to stir until each sugar crystal disappears.

Then pour into suitable bottles and refrigerate. When you want a refreshing drink, take some homemade lemonade, but remember to dilute it with water when you put it in your glass. It is a good idea to mix in the lemonade a few fresh mint leaves, finely chopped.

Cherry syrup
Cherry syrup

If the sugar does not seem appropriate to you, you can put honey, but the ratio of juice: honey should be 4: 2, that is, if you add 4 tsp juice, put 2 tsp. honey. Before you put the honey in the bottle, it is good to melt it, then mix both products and shake the bottle until the honey breaks.

Cherry syrup

Necessary products: 500 g cherries, sugar, water, citric acid

Method of preparation: Put the cherries, previously cleaned from the stalks, in a bowl and cover them with water. You should leave them on the stove as the goal is to boil, then let them turn for 15-20 minutes and turn off the stove. Allow them to cool and separate the stones. Strain the juice, trying to squeeze the fruit as much as possible.

Then add the same amount of sugar - as much as the juice, so should the sugar. Put back in a suitable heat treatment dish and heat the hob. The goal is to melt the sugar and thicken the syrup a bit.

Before removing the syrup from the stove, add the citric acid. It should be 1 teaspoon per kilogram of sugar.

It is good to put it in bottles and seal them while the syrup is still hot.
