Subtleties In The Preparation Of Homemade White Wine

Subtleties In The Preparation Of Homemade White Wine
Subtleties In The Preparation Of Homemade White Wine

The strength of the wine depends on the amount of sugar used in its preparation. During fermentation, alcohol is formed from sugar.

The addition of about 20 grams of sugar per 1 liter increases the strength of the wine by about 1 degree. For example, to obtain wine with 11 degrees you need 220 grams of sugar per liter of liquid.

There is a certain amount of sugar in the fruit itself, so in some cases less is added. The sugar content of the fruit from which the wine will be prepared must be known in advance in order to determine the amount to be added.

White wine there should be a certain acidity - about 6-7 grams per liter. The acidity is regulated by adding water during the fermentation process.


Apple juice does not dissolve with water, because during fermentation its acidity decreases on its own. Healthy, ripe and preferably freshly picked fruits are used.

The juice and later the wine must not be exposed to light, they must have as little contact with air as possible and in no case with metal, especially zinc.

The juice from the fruits is obtained by passing them through a meat grinder, the parts of which are covered with acid-resistant varnish or crushing them with a wooden hammer in a wooden trough or bucket.

For fermentation, the juice is transferred to an enameled, clay or glass container. There its temperature rises by 8-10 degrees. Overheating is dangerous for wine yeast, so it should be kept in a cool place with a temperature of 18-20 degrees and not more than 25 degrees.

After 3-4 days the fermentation visibly decreases. This is when the sugar dissolved in water is added a second time. After a week, add the last portion of sugar.

The finished wine is poured into bottles and left for about a month in the basement or other suitable place so that it can lighten and get its true color.
