Attention! Fake Vinegar And Sugar Flood The Market During The Winter Season

Attention! Fake Vinegar And Sugar Flood The Market During The Winter Season
Attention! Fake Vinegar And Sugar Flood The Market During The Winter Season

With synthetic acetic acid and fake Romanian sugar, producers deceive consumers in our country. Both products, in addition to completely ruining the winter food, can also be dangerous to health when consumed.

For another year in the season of pickles and compotes producers have released fake vinegar. In the months when Bulgarians most often buy vinegar, the market also offers fake, which is known only by the code for the food additive E260 on the label, according to an inspection by the Telegraph newspaper.

With this inscription on the label, vinegar is not a wine product, but artificial acetic acid. The food law in our country does not prohibit the sale of synthetic products, but it is mandatory to indicate on the label that the product is imitation.

According to these rules, synthetically produced vinegar must be named as an acidic product. Only products obtained after the fermentation of wine, fruit, fruit wine and ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin must be submitted with the words vinegar on the label.

Synthetic acetic acid is obtained by carbonation of methanol and through certain chemical reactions begins to resemble the taste and color of natural vinegar. Manufacturers take advantage of the external resemblance and easily offer counterfeit.


However, fake vinegar spoils the winter food, which is traditionally prepared by many housewives at this time of year. Mint vinegar can turn a pickle into a vegetable soup in no time.

Consumed in large quantities, synthetic vinegar becomes dangerous and can cause burns to the mucous membranes.

In some of the bottles, the manufacturers have mixed real vinegar with its imitation in a ratio of 1: 1. This is also considered fraud for the consumer as the process is not described on the label.

In the winter season, the markets in our country also offer fake Romanian sugar, produced from artificial improvers. In terms of sweetness, it is no different from real sugar, but it is far from a natural product by standard criteria.
