The Imitation Products Will Now Be On A Separate Stand In The Store

The Imitation Products Will Now Be On A Separate Stand In The Store
The Imitation Products Will Now Be On A Separate Stand In The Store

It will now be easy to distinguish which products are made with real milk and which are imitation dairy products, because those produced with milk substitutes will be on a separate stand.

This became clear after the government adopted changes to the Ordinance on specific requirements for dairy products.

New requirements are being introduced to reduce misleading consumers. Although producers are obliged to indicate on the label that their product is an imitation of cheese or yellow cheese, many of them do not.

According to the new requirements, however, products that do not contain milk will be separated on a stand, which must be marked with imitation products, so that the label will not deceive us.

The real dairy products will be offered separately and their labels will describe the ratio between milk, water and other additives.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food envisages a series of additional measures that should increase market demand and consumer interest in various types of dairy products.

In the last year, several studies have shown that milk fats are widely replaced by vegetable fats in the cheeses sold in Bulgaria. This does not pose a health hazard, but it is a scam.
