How To Make The Perfect Steaks In The Oven

How To Make The Perfect Steaks In The Oven
How To Make The Perfect Steaks In The Oven

Although grilled steaks are considered a classic, it is not difficult to cook them in the oven, and often in this way they become much tastier and juicier. Whether it is chicken, pork or beef steaks, if we know the right way to cook them in the oven, we will have no problem to surprise and enchant our guests, relatives and friends.

Here are 2 tried and tested recipes that you can try:

Roasted chicken steaks with yellow cheese

Necessary products: 6 pcs. chicken legs steaks, 80 g oil, 3 g fresh oregano, 3 g fresh thyme, 1 tsp red pepper, 1 tsp black pepper, 7 tbsp soy sauce, 40 g grated yellow cheese

Oven-baked pork chops
Oven-baked pork chops

Method of preparation: The chicken steaks are washed and poured into the pan greased with half of the oil. Thyme and oregano are cut and together with all the spices and the rest of the oil, but without the yellow cheese, mix in a bowl. Sprinkle the steaks with this mixture and sprinkle with half of the grated yellow cheese. Bake for about 40 minutes in a preheated 180 degree oven. Then turn over, sprinkle with the remaining yellow cheese and bake for another 10 minutes.

Pork chops in a casserole

Necessary products: 1.5 pork chops boneless, 1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp thyme, 1 bay leaf, 1 tbsp oregano, 4 tbsp oil, 3 onions, 2 cloves garlic, 50 g flour, 50 g butter, 1 tbsp honey, 500 ml beer

Method of preparation: In a bowl, mix the chopped bay leaf, salt, thyme and oregano and season the pre-washed steaks with this mixture. They are left to stand for 3 hours to absorb the spices.

Heat the oil and fry the steaks on both sides for a while, then transfer to a casserole. Pour the beer mixed with honey into it and bake the steaks for about 2 hours. When they are ready, they are taken out and placed in the dish in which they will be served.

In a bowl, mix the flour and softened meat and add the sauce left in the casserole. Heat all this, stirring, until the sauce thickens. This is done in about 5 minutes. Pour the sauce prepared in this way over the steaks and they are ready to serve together with a garnish of mashed potatoes, rice or stewed peas.

Try more: Steaks with yellow cheese, Steaks with tomatoes and beer, Steaks in a yen [pot], Steaks with mustard and wine, Stewed pork chops.
