Nutrition Experts: Eat Insects Safely

Nutrition Experts: Eat Insects Safely
Nutrition Experts: Eat Insects Safely

One kilogram of insects contains about 600 calories, and one kilogram of corn - 320-340 calories. A shocking fact, which is a prerequisite for scientists to advise us to eat insects more often. Even if it sounds impossible, repulsive and ridiculous, do not jump to conclusions, because things with the introduction of insects in our daily menu are serious.

In recent years, scientists have been working hard to incorporate zippers into various foods, while considering a marketing strategy for a mental attack on common sense that completely rejects such a menu. In the common cause, food producers and scientists have shaken hands.

Nutrition experts: Eat insects safely
Nutrition experts: Eat insects safely

In fact, in Eastern cuisine, the reception of insects in one form or another is not something unusual and unknown. The practice of consuming bees, flies and other creatures is widespread in Central South America and Africa. As far as potential Western insectivores are concerned, things are much more complicated and much more work is needed.

Nutrition experts: Eat insects safely
Nutrition experts: Eat insects safely

However, scientists are adamant that eating insects is something beneficial for the body. Insects contain many useful substances. If you eat them in dried form, it is pure protein, scientists explain. Environmentalists and biologists are also passionate about insect nutrition. According to them, a perfect solution is if people eat insects that cause damage to crops, instead of the human species self-poisoning, using various toxic preparations in pest control.

Eating insects also has a special term - entomophagy. Experts are adamant that if we resort to it more often, we will do a great good on the planet. After all, there are many examples of insectivores - in Bali, for example, dragonflies are regularly on people's menus, in Mexico they eat sweet larvae of large insects, and in Taiwan fried caterpillars are a great delicacy.
