How To Safely Consume Eggs In The Heat?

How To Safely Consume Eggs In The Heat?
How To Safely Consume Eggs In The Heat?

Eggs are a tasty and useful part of our daily menu. They are a vital source of protein, vitamins A and D.

It is important to follow some basic rules so that we protect ourselves as much as possible from adverse effects due to the consumption of eggs. The danger becomes greater in the summer months, when products spoil faster.

One of the most important things is to avoid eating raw or soft-boiled eggs. The bacterium, called Salmonella enteritidis, can be found in egg yolks and, in rare cases, in proteins. Although it is found in a very small percentage of eggs (1 in 20,000), it would be wiser to avoid raw or undercooked (or uncooked) eggs. In the summer season it is good to avoid egg constructions.

If, however, for the implementation of certain recipes it is necessary that the eggs do not undergo serious heat treatment, then buy pasteurized raw eggs. Their consumption does not pose a risk, as they are preheated quickly to temperatures that destroy Salmonella.

It is absolutely necessary to store the eggs in a cool place. Room temperature suggests the development of bacteria, especially in the summer season. If you have this opportunity - make sure that the purchased eggs are stored in suitable conditions. Do not trust retailers that do not keep the product on refrigerated shelves.

Boiled egg
Boiled egg

When returning home, the eggs should be immediately placed in the refrigerator, and in its coldest part. Many people put eggs on the refrigerator door because there are special shapes for them. This is not the best solution if you want to protect yourself from the negative effects of consuming them.

It is wiser to leave them in their carton and put them where you think it is coldest in the refrigerator.

The shelf life of eggs is from 3 to 5 weeks. If you use only egg white or only yolk and store the rest of the egg, keep in mind that it should be consumed within a maximum of 4 days.

Even hard-boiled eggs are not good to stay in the fridge for long. Their maximum storage there should not exceed a week.
