How To Maintain A Good Figure Easily With E-Fit?

How To Maintain A Good Figure Easily With E-Fit?
How To Maintain A Good Figure Easily With E-Fit?

Anti-cellulite therapies

As the body's blood circulation becomes increasingly inefficient due to age, lifestyle or health problems, cellulite forms in the lower back, abdomen and thighs. Cellulite occurs due to weakening of the connective tissue. Fat cells accumulate between the skin and muscle tissue and cause bumps on the skin.

These tissues can be stimulated with lower impulses, increasing blood circulation and stimulating the release of accumulated substances from problem areas.

The special settings of the device successfully treat the symptoms of cellulite. During its use, the flow of fluids in the veins, arteries, lymph increases, and a balanced metabolism helps to purify toxins and unwanted substances, as well as to purify cells and body fluid. This intensive method is recommended for clients who are struggling specifically with these problems.

Shaping the figure, tightening

This program leads to cyclic muscle stimulation. The body stimulates its "Fast" muscles in groups (optimal tensile strength, short-term, high oxygen consumption, sensitivity, fatigue). It also partially stimulates slow muscle groups (less fatigue). The stretches thus obtained are supplemented with a special rhythmic movement, which has an excellent effect with 2-3 workouts per week.


The program is suitable for those who do not necessarily want to lose weight, but to build muscle. During the program, impulses with higher frequency and width reach the deep muscles, so that the deep muscles are involved in the work of the muscles. The depth of the impulses is determined individually depending on training, physique, gender, age.

This increases the intensity of training, which is necessary in the process of constant training in the interest of achieving results. With the help of various devices (dumbbells, rope, ball, TRX rope, etc.) the exercises become more effective. The individual elements must be performed in the rhythm of the impulses, but the personal instructor must show the exercise and help the visitors to perform it correctly.

After each workout, the muscles are toned, which is maintained with regular visits. Not to be overlooked is the importance of proper nutrition, because if we follow it, the result will be visible after a few workouts.

Burning fat

This program creates stimulation at a higher level with the help of a combined wave, which with the targeted application of exercises on the soft parts of the body increases the oxygen consumption of cells, accelerates the burning of calories and fat.

In addition to moving the whole body, intense training of certain parts of the body gives the expected results. The low frequency and width of the pulses specifically stimulates the surface layer, which contains fat, and stimulates its metabolism. This type of stimulus does not affect the deep muscles and thus the program is based on long and dynamic movements, which are shown by the personal instructor. These exercises can be intensified with the help of a stepper, arm and leg weights.

electromuscular stimulation
electromuscular stimulation

The key to a weight loss program is to keep your heart rate within the fat burning zone. This can be easily controlled with a heart rate watch, but experienced personal trainers can keep the heart rate within the correct range. Positive results can be seen within a month, especially if combined with a healthy diet and fat burning supplements.

Purposeful muscle building

Complementary as a training program for the development of difficult to develop muscle groups. In addition to the overall stimulation of the body (recommended to achieve accelerated blood circulation), intensive training of a certain muscle group is obtained during the 20-minute exercise. The varying stimuli of the deep muscles produced by the device E-FIT, connected to a microprocessor, in addition to concentrated exercises, they also help to move difficult-to-develop muscles (joint injuries, poor muscle function).

In one-sided sports, the muscles on the other side are easily neglected. Such an imbalance also occurs in everyday life, whether because of work or because it is genetically set. As a result of the lifestyle without movement certain muscle groups, especially the supporting muscles, and in many cases shorten and therefore deformations may occur in the overall muscles. Muscle stimulation can be a solution to this problem, as certain muscle groups are purposefully worked on.; Facebook: E-fit Bulgaria
